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OroTimesheet 7 - Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

FAQ#: 10174-EN, Date: 01/09/2012
When I run a report I receive the following error message: SQL error code = -104 Token unknown...

FAQ#: 10173-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
When I run OroTimesheet via Windows Terminal Services or Citrix, OroTimesheet cannot connect to the database.

FAQ#: 10172-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
When I run OroTimesheet, I get the following error message:
 Unable to complete network request to host "MyServer".
 Failed to establish a connection.
 unknown Win32 error 10060

FAQ#: 10171-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
How to transfer OroTimesheet 7 on a new computer or server.

FAQ#: 10170-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
How to validate and repair the OroTimesheet 7 database with the Firebird "gbak" and "gfix" command line utilities.

FAQ#: 10169-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
When I'm using OroTimesheet 7, I receive read or write errors or errors indicating that the database is corrupt.

FAQ#: 10168-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
How to automate the backup of the database of OroTimesheet 7 using the Firebird "gbak" utility.

FAQ#: 10167-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
When I run OroTimesheet 7, I receive the following error message: Access violation at address...

FAQ#: 10166-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
How to change the reports paper format from Letter to A4 or vice-versa

FAQ#: 10165-EN, Date: 07/21/2011
How to access, export or import OroTimesheet 7 data?

FAQ#: 10163-EN, Date: 02/08/2011
How to access the Web interface of OroTimesheet via Internet when I'm out of the office

FAQ#: 10159-EN, Date: 08/26/2010
OroTimesheet is not using the date format specified into Windows 7

FAQ#: 10155-EN, Date: 07/14/2010
I cannot import or export data from/to MS Excel files.

FAQ#: 10114-EN, Date: 11/04/2008
When I run OroTimesheet (Windows version) through a WAN or Internet, it can be slow.

FAQ#: 10076-EN, Date: 11/03/2008
What is the default employee code and password when I enable the security into OroTimesheet?

FAQ#: 10035-EN, Date: 11/03/2008
Does OroTimesheet support "EURO" currency ?

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